Multiple Chronic Conditions Scholars Program

This opportunity has expired.

View Current Opportunities
  • Funding Type:
    Professional Development Opportunities
  • Opportunity From:

    NIH-funded Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN) and Older Americans Independence Centers (OAICs) AGING Initiative

Important Dates:

Informational Webinar
November 20, 2023
Applications Due
January 08, 2024
Selected Scholars Notified
February 05, 2024
MCCs Scholars Workshop Begins
April 24, 2024
MCCs Scholars Workshop Ends
April 26, 2024

Opportunity Description:

The AGING Initiative will select up to 14 scholars. The scholarships will provide travel and accommodations for an overnight training workshop to be held April 24-26, 2024 in the Washington DC area preceding the Annual Meeting of the OAICs. Over the subsequent year, scholars will participate in a webinar-based curriculum on MCCs research, engaging patient and caregiver partners, and career and leadership development. Scholars will also participate in a formal mentoring program, which will pair scholars with senior scientific mentors and members of the AGING Initiative Patient/Caregiver Advisory Council (APCAC) based on shared research interests. The MCCs Scholars Program aims to foster a nationwide community and mentoring network to extend and sustain MCCs research. 

Applications should be submitted electronically to the submission site. An updated NIH biosketch is required as well as short responses (400 words or less) to describe: 1) Your interests and aspirations related to MCCs research, 2) Prior accomplishments and/or evidence of potential to lead or participate in collaborative research, 3) How your work will have an impact on patients living with MCCs, and 4) Your goals for participating in the MCCs Scholars Program. The online application can be found at:

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