GSI Scholars

The GSI’s Jahnigen Career Development Awards (JCDA) program, and its sister program, the T. Franklin Williams program, formerly of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM), were funded by The John A. Harford Foundation and Atlantic Philanthropies from 2002-2015. Both programs offered awards to early career physician-scientists and researchers from more than 23 surgical and related medical subspecialties and internal medicine subspecialties. More than 200 Jahnigen and Williams Scholars received funding to conduct geriatrics research related to their specialties. Scholars continue to participate in the GSI as Council members, mentors, research experts, keynote speakers, and leaders of several of our current programs. 

In 2011, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) launched the Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists' Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) program. The GEMSSTAR award is for early career physician-scientists trained in medical or surgical specialties and early career dentist-scientists who are embarking on careers as future leaders in aging- or geriatric-focused research. GEMSSTAR scholars attend a biennial conference, previously hosted by the AGS and currently hosted by the ClinSTAR CC, and are invited to various GSI activities at the AGS Annual Meeting. Visit the GSI Programs page to learn more about the GEMSSTAR program.

A list of all current and past Scholars of the Jahnigen, Williams, and GEMSSTAR programs, arranged by specialty, can be found below. Scholars who participate as GSI Council Members are noted as well.

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